Sarah Palin Debate Flowchart

Written by steven hall on Friday, October 03, 2008 at 4:05 PM

-- mad props to Aden Nak for this one. --
And before the rest of my peeps from the right jihad my blog for posting this -- I'm just waiting for someone to send me a Biden or Obama chart...ya know just to keep politics nice and balanced.

Transcendental grade for Palin's debate skills: 4.5/7 chakras when I thought they'd be 1.352/7 chakras.
Transcendental grade for the viral nature of this darn chart: 5.5/7 chakras.

a bit later....

and now this tidbit--props to Kristin for the lead and to the General for the art:

And I reiterate: I'm waiting for the Democratic charts to pop over to me so I can post them too--because I know they're out there *somewhere*!

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